#Prosky: How to Encourage Employee Development

As a huge proponent of employee development and education, you wouldn't think I would have a difficult time writing about it. But, if you look, there are lots of posts and ideas around employee development out there, so how could I get this post to stand out? What was a different way to think about …

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Prosky: Communicating Values

I am really enjoying writing for Prosky! In May, I was challenged to write about communicating values. This is something that we have been working on in my office. We struggle, as South Dakotans, there is a certain amount of "we shouldn't have to talk about this" but things are changing, slowly. A strong, healthy …

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Prosky: Stop Digging Through Haystacks

As a follow up to my first post on Prosky, I dug a little deeper into how we recruit for positions. I think we need to stop trying to get that HUGE number of candidates so we can weed through 5000 applications hoping to find that right person. When we started advertising for an accountant …

Continue reading Prosky: Stop Digging Through Haystacks

Prosky: Write Hard & Clear about What Hurts

Very few HR professionals "like" job descriptions, but every last one of us will not hesitate to tell you how necessary they are. However, I don't think we go back far enough when we write the job description or ad. We need to dig into why a position exists and determine if it still meets …

Continue reading Prosky: Write Hard & Clear about What Hurts