Harvey: How To Help

Yes. Do what you can & pay attention to what the needs are.

Carlos Escobar

The last three days in south and east Texas were spent prepping for and enduring Hurricane Harvey. While San Antonio and the hill country region were, for the most part, spared when the storm stayed further east than forecasted, the Texas coast and Houston area were met with catastrophic storm surges, winds, and flooding.

Over the same timeframe, I received more than my fair share of well wishes as the storm approached. I’m thankful to have friends and family that checked in from near and far. Those check ins made a nerve racking weekend easier to handle, and I appreciate that more than you know.

The focus now, however, needs to be elsewhere. The Texas coast and east Texas, as of this post, is still…

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For a variety of reasons, I've decided to give my blogging a fresh start with a new site. I decided to move to Word Press because Blogger (as easy as it is to use) no longer has an app available via iPhone. My iPhone is now my camera so it only makes sense to make …

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