#Top5HRReads (and listen to) for July 24

So far, this is so easy! There’s a ton of great content out there, so I’m happy that others are sharing with me things to read and listen to. Get ready for your weekend!

You all know I’m a huge fan of Laurie Ruettimann‘s. Her podcast, PunkRock HR is on my must listen list every week. This week, she talks with Lauren Davis and the future of conferences – something near & dear to my heart! Lauren does social media for conference speakers & helps them really connect with their audience, so she has some expertise when it comes to moving conference world to the web. If you are one of those many out there wondering how to make your conference engaging while we physically distance, this episode is definitely one to listen to.

“It’s time for HR to lean into empathy harder than ever.” Kayla Moncayo shares some thoughts on Unsure & Unsafe HR that many seem to practice. Kayla’s article on TLNT is honest and heartbreaking – heartbreaking because many of us have been there in her place, struggling with shame. [Thanks to Laura Mazzullo for sharing]

I am just loving Robin Schooling‘s top 10 songs HR needs to stop singing. Really, her call (in her last few posts if we’re honest) are about HR and management trusting our employees. We need to start assuming good intent and not that everyone is trying to get away with something.

If you are looking for a little inspiration, be sure to check out Steve Browne’s new book: HR Rising. Steve is an excellent story teller and this book will inspire and cheer you.

And on the lighter side, check out my daughter’s Girl Scout Silver Award earning podcast: After Girl Scouts. They interviewed 7 former Girl Scouts and learned what being a Girl Scout meant to them. They also learned how to edit podcasts! It was a lot of fun to share this part of my life with them.

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